Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Couple of questions or concerns about TZM and TVP

Someone from TZM's team on FB has posted an article with the caption "The End of Nation States May Enhance Humanity". And it triggered me to comment on it. It's something that is kind of a little shady with them. So here is my comment:

I'd say it's ok if state become obsolete and go away not being replaced by something, naturally and more important peacefully. But when it is an agenda and somehow a target - than it's time to be worried.
The logic behind it is simple. In first case state goes away because there is better ways for people to connect to each other emotionally and intellectually. In second case it's just breaking another potential bond and making people even more disconnected from each other, lonely and easy to manipulate or scare.
And that's what makes me a little worried about TZM and TVP - their strong focus on shared resources, You see, current wars are 99% about resources and not about different views on something. Oligarchy is controlling all the resources they could secure. All the remaining resources which aren't under their control are guarded by national states, which strong enough and can't be destroyed easily (they might have their own national oligarchy, but that's not really the point). Those are under siege constantly. All kinds of siege including ideological ones. And idea of shared resources put in front might be just another tool of that siege.
TZM's focus on religion has similar potential problem. For example, most of extremist's branches of religion is artificially created from much calmer and softer versions of "classical" variants to destroy and destabilize one or several states. Those are weapons. Most of the classical religions are concentrating on the one who practices it. Christianity is about saving own soul. The most important jihad for the minded Muslim is jihad against himself, etc. Classical religion is about compassion, love, acceptance and unity. Extremist's branches are about separation and wars. But TZM blends them proposing to destroy those which are positive as well and so, promoting destruction of the bonds between people.
TZM and TVP are great ideas as a whole, but a lot of care and caution should be in place to not let anyone break that whole and focus people on one aspect without the others.
There is no way for getting rid of states and sharing of resources without strong and developed ways to ensure fully egalitarian society.